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Get your website secured with truly and highly trusted and customarily examined powerful security SSL Certificate which is capable of 256 bit encryption. In today’s scene of fraud, hacking and identity theft, your customers when passing over the sensitive information always seek the security so they need the strongest encryption from the most credible security providers, which can be provided by the GlobalSign SSL Certificates.

When using the OrganizationSSL Certificates, they activate the “little yellow padlock” which secures the e-commerce transactions, web account logins, webmail, network traffic and online services with high security and incomparably supreme levels of authentication, integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation. The OrganizationSSL Certificates by GlobalSign are fully organization examined – this means that the visitors of your websites get to see your company’s inspected details. This way the visitors increase the level of their trust on your website and would always feel at ease to do business with you.

With third-party databases and by using the documentation of your enterprise, the existence of your company gets verified. The fact remains that the OrganizationSSL consists of the higher level of customer trust since your organization or enterprise’s name and address get included within the actual certificate. The profile of your company’s Site Seal also depicts the details of your organization like the registered or trading address is shown. Make your transactions secured and let your customers have the knowledge that they interact with the verified persons or companies. It takes two working days for the issuance of this certificate.

• With organisation validated – the customers are able to see the details of your company’s validity in the SSL Certificate and your Site Seal profile
• Get the 2048 bit future proof SSL Certificates
• Have the highest level of SGC security for minimum 128 bit to 256 bit SSL encryption levels
• The certificates are fully compatible with all types of browsers and devices
• Get the Wildcard SSL & Unified Communications SSL – the simple much economical support for the complicated multi-domain server configurations
• The certificate provides security for both and (without the www)
• AutoCSR – CSRs happen to be optional, not compulsory
• Get the Secure Site Seal
• Have 3 for the price of 1 server licensing
• Get the Unlimited reissues / replacements for lifetime of Certificate
• Be awarded with the multi-year savings
• Have the $100k Warranty – underwritten Liability Program
• Get the Installation health check
• The certificate depicts your trusted status issued by GlobalSign – a globally recognized brand associated with Internet security since 1996

The OrganizationSSL is being offered in two Certificate types – Standard SSL and Wildcard SSL.
Standard SSL – It provides the security for a single domain name
Wildcard SSL – It offers you to have the security for the unlimited number of sub domains on the same domain with the same Certificate and same IP address