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The CloudFlare community enjoys the protection and speed through intelligent global network. The delivery of your web pages is optimized with minimum possible page load time. The CloudFlare community is protected against every kind of threats, abusive bots and crawlers to save your bandwidth and server resources. Resultantly CloudFlare community stands alone having significantly improved performance and decreased spam.

With CloudFlare’s faster and smarter system, we are bent on powering and protecting the whole internet.

With its core service as free, CloudFlare can be used by any website, at one’s own domain, made on any platform. It takes less than five minutes to complete CloudFlare setup on most of the websites. The only change you make is in DNS settings of your domain. Setting up CloudFlare does not need any hardware or software installation. You are not required to make any changes in the current code of your website. Above all, if you ever feel unsatisfied with CloudFlare, you can turn it off. CloudFlare provides paid services such as real time reporting and SSL to websites that need extra features.

Be a part of CloudFlare community today and play your role in creating a better web.

CloudFlare Features


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CloudFlare content delivery network is legacy network designed to process millions of requests per second utilizing the most strategic points on internet- edge nodes. Resultantly CloudFlare community gets the fastest page load time and best performance. Get global visibility at affordable prices.


CloudFlare believes performance does not mean moving files closer to visitors but also that every page is served to the user as efficiently and fast as it could be. Choose any of the CloudFlare web content optimization features to experience the next level performance.


CloudFlare takes pride in providing next level web security to its community. CloudFlare provides security against online threats, spam, bot crawling and much more including SQL injections and denial of service (DOS) attacks.


CloudFlare analytics take you one step ahead of other analytic programmes. It provides visitor analytics and monitors the threats and search engine crawlers. Provides the best analysis of website’s traffic.

Interested? creativeON is the official partner of CloudFlare. All CloudFlare services are available through creativeON at a very competitive price with the edge of local support. For any of CloudFlare services contact us at [email protected].