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Strategies For Website Beginners

6 Smart Strategies for Website Beginners

Owning a website is like having a big job that demands your time, focus, and attention. you need to add up content, cater to your audience, be available and keep your site alive by all means. For experienced ones, this doesn’t bother much. However, for beginners, this seems a challenging task. If you are the one facing this challenge, don’t worry we are there to tell you simple strategies for getting this job done.

Following these simple yet worthy techniques, you will get your dream site soon

1. Simplicity is the Real Beauty

An obvious impression of keeping cool features and tools on your website is very much common. You may get attracted to add these beautiful and delicate tools to your site. You need to let go of this idea immediately.

This is because these simple tools complex coding and you are only beginner. You may end up in spoiling your website because making error in coding. This lead you serious frustration . Once you are into it then you will find hard to overcome this state.

In the beginning, you just need to manage all the things without complication/error. If you want add ups then practice before applying them directly to your site.

Remember there is no beauty more beautiful than simplicity. Follow this rule and enjoy your website ownership.

2. Content Needs Attention

It is quite usual that you visit other sites for improving your own according to trends. It is also possible that you may get attracted to appealing interface and eye catching colours. These may include beautiful colours and picture posts. However. you need to remember that this stuff may please your eyes for few moments yet you may find no content to see otherwise.

This is pure destruction for a website if it lacks content. Make sure you focus on your content. It has to be significant, informative , clear and relevant. Remember the surfer is not here to appreciate your outlook but to view your content.

3. Adopt a Theme

We know you are not professionally master over the skills. You can still get professional outlook of your website. This can be done by adopting a customized theme. This will be within your budget as beginner. Moreover, it will enhance the outlook with incorporation of outlooks and designs. You will be able to add multiple type content.

Make sure to select theme which offers options foe mobile version as well. It will add traffic to your sites with mobile surfers.

4. Keep Track of Your Audiences

Once you are done with all of the above tricks, you need to keep track of your audiences. For this, you can get aid from Google Analytics. This will help you to get insights of audiences so you can know who is into it.

Tracking will help you learn different aspects like get audience, post reach,  viewers’ demographics and nature of feedback. This will help you to improve your statistics and improvise your content accordingly.

5. Start Learning the Basics

Learning is an on going process,  you need to pay attention here. It is ok to start owning a website with little or no professional expertise. Anyhow, this deficiency  shouldn’t last longer.

You can work well if you know well and for that, a lot of opportunities are there for you. There are online HTML and CSS courses available. These courses range from basic to professional. You should add into your knowledge from them.

Coding is basic part of website maintenance. Having proper know-how of coding will ease alot of your problems.

6. Modify According to Feedback

This is most influential trick among all. Remember you on a website not for you but for your potential customers. You can cater their needs only if you listen to their opinion.Here, I want to clarify one thing. Having a feedback in one thing and responding to it,is another.

This two step process allows you to know the demand, complaints and queries of your audiences. You, thus become able to respond to their feedback easily. Remember always that you need active and constructive response for your customers. For instance if the users are complaining your complicated interface then redesign. If they want more appropriate font color abd size then experiment a new as per demand.


Maintaining a website seems to be a tough job and it actually is. You need to put serious efforts to get the result. If you are beginner in this field then applying the above mentioned strategies with devotion can yield results. This is an era of smart work so do your hard work in smart ways.

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