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How To Create MySQL Database In Cpanel

How to Create MySQL Database in cPanel

How to Create MySQL Database in cPanel

In order to create a MySQL Database one would have to keep in mind multiple things.
1. Creation of mysql database
2. Creation of database user
3. Assigning database user prillages for database.

Creation of database in Cpanel with MySQL Database Wizard

Step1. You would need to login into your cpanel
Step2. Scroll down to the DB section or MySQL Database Wizard Icon
Step3. click on the Icon (MySQL Database Wizard)
Setp4. Enter the database name
Step5. Enter the databse user
Step6. Enter the password and then retype password
Setp7. Click the Create User Button
Step8. Check the All Privileges
Setp9. Click the next button at bottom
Step10. Database has been created.

If you need any further help feel free to contact.
creativeON’s staff would love to help you.

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