The ports used to run various services (for example, web, email ) on the same IP. A Port can be any number from 0 to 65535.
The service name was assigned on a first-come,first-served process
and it is always in (three ranges)
System Port | (0-1023) |
User Port | (1024-49151) |
Dynamic/Private Port | (4159-655235) |
However, In with the growth of windows and single-user Linux systems; The ports model no longer works.
The most common service names and there ports no. are mentioned below:
Service Name | Ports |
FTP(File Transfer Protocol) | 20,21 |
SSH(Secure Shell) | 22 |
Telnet(Telephone Network) | 23 |
SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) | 25 |
DNS(Domain Name System) | 53 |
DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) | 67,68 |
TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol) | 69 |
HTTP(Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) | 80 |
POP(Post OProtocol)ffice | 110 |
NNTP(Network News Transfer Protocol) | 119 |
NTP(Network Time Protocol) | 123 |
LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) | 389 |
HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) | 443 |
IMAPS(Internet Mail Acess Protocol Secure) | 993 |
RADIUS(Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) | 1812 |
C-panel(web hosting control panel) | 2082 |
WHM(Web Host Manager) | 2086 |
WHM-SSL(Web Host Manager) | 2087 |
Webmail (web-based email accounts) | 2095 |
SSLWebmail- (web-based email accounts) | 2096 |
Plesk over HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) | 8443 |
Plesk over HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) | 8880 |
AIM(AIM) | 5190 |